The Wyoming State Mineral and Gem Society (WSMGS) is a non-profit umbrella organization formed to
bring about a closer association of Mineral and Gem Clubs and Societies in Wyoming. WSMGS has as its purpose the education, promotion, and development of interest
in and understanding of the Earth Sciences, Lapidary Arts, and related fields both for affiliated clubs and their membes and for the general public. WSMGS Member
Clubs are located in Big Piney, Casper (Mills), Cheyenne, Cody, Douglas, Gillette, Powell, Riverton, and Torrington, Wyoming.
Wyoming is an extraordinary state for rockhounding. We invite you to explore our website for information about Wyoming's minerals, rocks, fossils, and gemstones as well as for
an introduction to the people and places where rockhounds can visit, explore, and learn.

State Gemstone: Jade (Nephrite)
Photo: Adrià Martin of flickr
under Creative Commons license

State Fossil: Knightia
Photo: National Park Service
Public Domain Image

State Dinosaur: Triceratops
Photo: Public domain image
Learn about our state icons in the May, 2015, issue of Jade State News, pages 10-11 .