Red Gulch Dinosaur Track Site

Red Gulch Dinosaur Track Site BLM Public Domain Photo

Rockhound Law

A large measure of the enjoyment of our hobby consists of collecting in the field. For that reason, WSMGS members are proud to endorse the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies Code of Ethics and the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies Land Use Policy.

Wyoming Public Land Access Guide

This informational pamphlet developed by the US Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service, Wyoming State Land Office, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Wyoming State Parks and Historic Sites, and Wyoming State Planning and Coordinators Office answers many Frequently Asked Questions about public land access in Wyoming. The pamphlet, in Adobe PDF format, can be downloaded here.

Rules for Public Use of State Lands

The state of Wyoming administers about 3.5 million acres of surface estate held in-trust and managed almost exclusively for the benefit of Wyoming schools. State lands are typically located on Sections 16 and 36 of each township, and are represented as blue squares on maps as part of a complex checkerboard of surface ownership. In addition to energy development, logging and agriculture, state lands provide myriad hunting and recreational opportunities. But access is tricky, because you MAY NOT cross private lands to access state lands without specific approval. Rules for public use of State Lands can be found at

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